Jindra Fučík

Modifikovan dekodr pro DCC provoz 3V nebo 5V motor

Modified DCC decoder for 3V or 5V voltage motors


Projekt uznv autorsk prva Georga Zeiglera a jeho Self made DCC-Decoder


Project respect author rights of Georg Zeigler and his Self made DCC-Decoder

Ne zanete

Ped zatkem je poteba si uvdomit, co tento dekodr pedstavuje a co naopak neumouje.
Podstata dekodru je umonit provoz specilnch vozidel kter maj velk nroky na prostorov rozloen dekodru a neumouj pouit bnho dekodru.

  • Dekodr umouje provoz motor s men volt (3,5V - 5V)
  • Dekodr podporuje svtla (FR/FL)
  • Dekodr umouje pouvat jednu dal funkci oznaenou jakou Aux1, kter m omezen na max 5V a max 20mA, jej pvodn uren bylo pro osvtlen topenit
  • Pro dekodr je pomrn zsadn vdt, jakou spotebu m pouit motor
  • Stejntak jak pouijete svtla
  • Tento dekodr neumouje provoz po analogovm (DC) kolejiti!
Spoteba motoru se zm celkem jednodue - pipojte motor na maximln povolen napjen, zablokujete jeho osiku a amprmetrem zmte protkajc proud.

Before you begins

Before you begin, it is good to remember what you can do with decoder and what decoder not enable you to do.
Principles of decoder is enable special locomotives and cars with special requests for used space and not allows to use standard decoder.

  • Decoder alows to use motors with low voltage (3,5V - 5V)
  • Decoder support light functions (FR/FL)
  • Decoder support one other function marked as Aux1, this function is limited to 5V and 20mA max, originaly planed for flickering firebox
  • For decoder is crusual to know, how is consuption of used motor
  • As well as consuption of used lights
  • This decoder not allows to run on analog (DC) layouts!
Measure of motor consuption is easy; connect motor to maximal allowed voltage, block the motor and measure consuption.

Men spoteby motoru | Measurement consuption of motor


Chtl bych se omluvit vem, kte zde oekvali opravdov elektrick schma. Zveejnil jsem tuto mnemotechnickou malvku, ptoroe je mnohem pijatelnj pro vtinu model


At the begin I would like to appologize to everybody who expect here electrical schematic. I published this mnemotechnic painting insted of schematics, because it is usefil for many train modelers

Mnemotechnick malvka msto schmatu | Mnemotechnic painting insted of schematics

Vysvtlen obrzku

Barevn konce oznauj barvy vodi podle NMRA norem
Pokud se dva vodie k, jedn se o nevodiv ken
Vodiv spojen je oznaeno kolekem v mst ken
Procesor (PIC12F629) je nutn ped osazenm naprogramovat

Na obrzku je modr ipka kter ukazuje smrem k modrmu koleku. Ta slou k volb napjen pro svtla. Pokud je vodi pipojen do (1), bude napjen svtel klasick 14V, pokud je pipojen do (2), bude napjen 5V (vhodn pro LED). V ppad e budeme svtla napjet 5V je poteba jejich spotebu zahrnout ke spoteb motoru.
Funkce Aux1 je uren k pipojen pouze jedn LED diody spolu s odporem 470R. Druh vvod diody se pipojuje do msta oznaenm ervenou trojkou.
Pokud nehodlme pouvat svtla vbec, je mon vynechat obvod FDC6303N

V pravm hornm rohu jsou nakresleny 4 diody. Jejich el je snen napt na motoru - kad dvojice pedstavuje bitek 0,7V, napt bez diod je cca 5V. Pokud tedy chceme provozovat motor s pracovnm naptm 4,5V a vtm, diody nepotebujeme, pro motory 3V diody zapojme. Pi nkupu diod poadujeme bn diody, ale dvme si zleet, aby hodnota jejich proudovho zaten (If) byla vt ne proud motoru.
Dioda 1N4148 MICRO MELF je sice nejmen, ale m proud jen 150mA (sta na motory z mobilu do prmru cca 4mm),
Dioda 1N4148 SMD 1206 m proud cca 300mA (to je dost pro motory cca 6mm)
Pak u budeme potebovat diody typu SUF4004 SMD nebo 1N4007 SMD, ty maj proud a 1A.

Na obrzku je tak stabiliztor 78M05 SND DPAK, jeho proudov zaten je 500mA (0,5A), pokud je proud motoru vt (+ proud svtel), je poteba pout 7805 DPAK, ten m zaten a 1A, ale m sklony se ht.

Kondenztory na obrzku slou mimo jin k udren napjen pi pejden vyhybek.
Jejich hodnota 4,7uF je asi nejmen pouiteln, pokud mme mimodn dobr koleje, mon si vystame s 2,2uF, nicmn sp budeme nuceni hodnotu zvtovat.
Zvtovn kapacity kondenztoru vlevo je efektivnj, ale zrove rychleji porostou jeho rozmry rychleji ne u pravho.

Figure description

Color marking of end of wires respecting color schema recommended by NMRA
If here is a cross of wires - it is isolated cross
Conducted connection is marked by circle
Procesor PIC12F629 must be programed before appliing

On the picture is blue arrow pointing to blue lines. It is used for powering lights. If the wire is connected to (1), the voltage for lights will be usual 14V, if it is connected into (2), voltage will be 5V (suitable for LEDs). In a case of usage 5V lights, it is necessarry to add consuption of lights into consuption of engine
Output Aux1 is designed only for connection one LED diode with a rezistor 470 ohm. oposite connection is marked by red number (3)
If we are not planing to use lights at all, we can remove also FDC6303N

In upper right corner we have four diodes. These diodes are used for decreasing voltage for motor. Every two diodes decreasing by 0.7V, voltade without diodes is cca 5V. For connecting motors with voltage 4.5V and more diodes are not necessarry, for 3V motors we need diodes. When buying diodes must be carefoul, that working forward curent (If) is bigger, than current of engine.
Diodes 1N4148 MICRO MELF are small, but current is only 150mA (for motors cca 4mm diameter),
Diodes 1N4148 SMD 1206 have current cca 300mA (suitale for motors cca 6mm)
Next level is diode types SUF4004 SMD or 1N4007 SMD, they have curent cca 1A.

On figure we have stabilisator 78M05 SND DPAK, its current is cca 500mA (0,5A), if motor current is bigger (+ lights), we need 7805 DPAK, it have cca 1A, but sometimes heating.

capacitors on picture are used also for powering decoder during corsing turnouts.
Value 4,7uF is a minimum suitable, if you have good layout, it is possible, that 2,2uF will work, we can expect, that we will need increase value of capacitors.
Increasing of capacity left hand capacitor is more efective, but it increase size faster than right hand.
Soustky kupuji v GME
S380 SMD
1N4148 SMD
PIC12F629 I/SN
Kondenztor 4,7uF / 25V
Kondenztor 4,7uF / 10V
Co nemaj, tak kupuju u farnell

Program pro PIC je mon pout originl (ten pro 12F629)
Pron spoj tak podle originlu
CV1Primrn adresaPrimary Address3 / 1-99
CV2VstartVstart0 0-255
CV3ZrychlenAcceleration Rate255 0-255
CV4ZpomalenDeceleration Rate255 0-255
CV5VmaxVmax255 0-255
CV6VmidVmid0 0-127 neg. 128-255 pos.
CV17Dlouh adresa spodn stExtended Address Low Byte0
CV18Dlouh adresa horn stExtended Address High Byte0
CV19Adresa soupravyConsist Address0 0-255
CV290=DIR 1=14/28 2=PWRSRC 3=ADVACK 4=SPDTAB 5=LADRE 6= 7=ACCDEC (viz. dole) 0=DIR 1=14/28 2=PWRSRC 3=ADVACK 4=SPDTAB 5=LADRE 6= 7=ACCDEC (see below) 0 0-255
CV49Vstup F1=F8 na GP2 Bity 76543210 = F87654321Output F1-F8 to GP2 Bit 76543210 = F876543210 0-255
CV50Vstup F1=F8 na GP4Output F1-F8 to GP40 0-255
CV51Vstup F1=F8 na GP5Output F1-F8 to GP50 0-255
CV55Vmax . 2 pepnan pomoc F1-F8, nebo smru jzdy2. Vmax switchable over F1-F8 or over drive direction0 0-255
CV29 PopisDescription
CV29,0DIRINVOtoen smru (jzdy a svtel)direction inverted (travel+light)
CV29,114/28Poet jzdnch krok 14 nebo 2814/28 speed steps
CV29,2LIINVOtoen svtelLights inverted
CV29,4STABRychlostn tabulka / CV2, CV5 a CV6Speed tab / CV2, CV5 and CV6
CV29,5LADREPovolena dlouh adresaLong address enable
CV29,6ACKOFFVypnut ACK pro podrun dekodry (nepouvat)acknowledge off for piggy bag decoder (don't use this bit)
CV64 PopisDescription
CV64,0=1FLOFFPedn svtla se nastavuj podle CV50 (GP4)front light switch with cv50 (GP4)
CV64,0=0RANGIERMapovn podle FLOFFlow activ, mapped with FLOFF
CV64,1=1BLOFFZadn svtla se nastavuj podle CV51 (GP5)back light switch with cv51 (GP5)
CV64,1=0SPEED2Mapovn podle BLOFFlow activ, mapped with BLOFF
CV64,2RDLTONerven svtla aktivovan (zadn svtla)red light on (back light)
CV64,3BRKONBrzdov svtla zapnutabrake light on
CV64,5FLACKONBlikn povolenoFlickering on
CV64,6LITAUTOoteven/zaven kotle automatickyfirebox open/close automatically
CV55 stejn jako cv5, aktivuje se prostednictvm cv64,1=0, Normln zapnuto, a pepn se prostednictvm cv51.
pokud je cv55=0 potom je Vmax . 2 neaktivn.
pokud je cv51=0 potom je Vmax . 2 pouito podle smru.
pokud je cv29,0=0 potom cv5 ovld vmr dopedu a cv55 ovld smr dozadu.

Napklad: mme cv64,0=0, cv64,1=0 cv50,1=1 a cv51,1=1
potom F2 zapn svtla na obou stranch a zrove aktivuje Vmax . 2 uloenou v cv55.
cv55 same as cv5, activate over cv64,1=0, normal on, and switchable over cv51
is cv55=0 then the 2nd Vmax is deactivated.
is cv51=0 then the 2nd Vmax is for direction use.
if bit cv29,0=0 then cv5 controls forward direction and cv55 controls reverse direction.

for example: is cv64,0=0, cv64,1=0 cv50,1=1 and cv51,1=1
then F2 switches the light on both sides on and activate the 2nd Vmax over cv55.